A national sales conference with a difference

When our client needed to navigate its employees through a period of corporate change, we were challenged to deliver a five-day event in London that would motivate and engage 900 delegates from all over the UK. The result? A resoundingly successful and cost-effective conference with a difference for 900 UK staff, complete with vibrant product launch celebrations, training and employee engagement.

The Brief

Our international client tasked us to collaborate with another agency partner to deliver an employee conference with a difference – one that would engage and excite its 900-strong UK workforce. As well as communicating key corporate messages and reinforcing the personal stake of every individual in the business, the five-day event provided an opportunity to profile two major internal product launches and deliver sales training.

The TTA Experience

We collaborated with the client and partners to manage and deliver the programme, including selection and management of the venue and accommodation, travel arrangements for all 900 delegates, invitations, online registration for 12 participant profiles, management of all dining, food and beverages, plus all onsite management and delegate movement. 

London’s Old Billingsgate provided the blank canvas backdrop for the opening festival-themed event. The venue was transformed to host a stunning product launch celebration on the eve of the conference, where delegates could take a personal journey featuring festival stalls, refreshments, roving entertainment and fun activities. A mixture of plenary and satellite sessions with inspirational content formed the central agenda of the conference, and on subsequent days, two further London hotels provided the venues for product launches, training and evening entertainment.

Our careful selection of venues and accommodation ensured smooth delegate movement throughout the programme, and simplified inter-site travel.

The Outcome

Combining the employee conference with product launches not only culminated in an inspiring event for participants, but also proved highly cost-effective for the client. Delegate feedback revealed that employees were energised and invigorated by the creative programme, motivating them to bring new approaches to their work. 

"I feel very privileged to have worked with such a highly experienced, professional team on this project."

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